Política de envío


  • Orders are shipped to the provided shipping address listed under customer’s account.
  • 454 Bags® is not responsible for packages delivered to mistyped or invalid address.
  • All returning packages due to insufficient address will be sent an email. Customers will have 72 hours to respond, failure to reply within 72 hours will automatically result in order cancellation.
  • Customer’s funds will be refunded.
  • Customer’s are responsible for any additional postage fees for orders that need to be re-shipped due to invalid addresses

Domestic orders/shipping

  • Orders are generally received within 7 business days after date of fulfillment.
  • Orders are shipped via USPS Priority 2-3 Day Business Mail.
  • Expected delivery dates may vary during holiday season, depending on volume of mail experienced through postal service.

International orders/shipping

  • Duties and taxes are determined by the customs agency within the designated country. Although charges are not always incurred, assessment of duties and taxes will be based on the value of the order and the Tax-free threshold, if it exists, for goods imported into the designated country.
  • Payment of any duties and taxes is the responsibility of the recipient, and these fees are collected at the time of delivery. More information can be obtained by contacting your local customs office.
  • International shipping expected delivery dates varies depending on the location.
  • 454 Bags® is not responsible for any orders that are held at customs office.
  • Orders are generally received within 10-15 business days.
  • Shipping dates may vary during holiday season, depending on volume of mail experience through postal service.